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Providing Training & Coaching Solutions to Reach Your Goals



Are you leading a multicultural team or working in one? Are you preparing to move abroad for assignment? Perhaps you’re dealing with a client base with people from around the world. Intercultural skills and knowledge can help you to adapt to international environments and develop the skills necessary to work more successfully across cultures. 


Are you feeling stuck in a situation or need to get some clarification about a problem? Are you faced with making a difficult decision or unsure of what the next step is? Coaching can help you discover the unknown and help you to move forward, as well as identify your goals and how you can reach them.  


We often underestimate the value of good communication as it is our foundation for interacting and building relationships with other people. Effective communication can be challenging if one lacks the confidence and skills needed to deliver a message as intended. Communication workshops can help you to improve your communication abilities and to better build and maintain relationships. 


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At the heart of all the different kinds of work I do, I help people to understand themselves and others better in order to navigate across cultural and communication differences more effectively.


With my interdisciplinary background, I am able to support people with many of the challenges associated with working in an international environment or moving abroad. All of my training and workshops are customized based on my client’s needs and goals. Through my work, I give my clients the tools and knowledge  they need and develop their competencies to:


  • Gain a framework for understanding cultural and communication differences 

  • Enhance teamwork and strengthen customer relationships 

  • Become more confident and fluent when doing business in English 

  • Adapt to work and operate more effectively market 

  • Improve effectiveness when collaborating in multicultural and new environments  


“Kate and I have been exchanging views on leadership and intercultural management for years, where I value her as an absolute expert. As a coach, Kate recently helped me gain clarity for finding a solution in a change process, which I am very grateful for. As part of our coaching, Kate has opened up the world of positive psychology to me, which I pass on to my managers, employees, friends and family as a mindset ever since. I highly recommend Kate as a coach and intercultural trainer.”

Maximilian Späte, CEO/Geschäftsführer

Globetrotter Erlebnis GmbH 

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